9037 Cambridge Road
Woodbury, MN 55125
United States
ph: 651-323-0101
fax: 651-714-9036
We can help you obtain China visa for your travel needs. Save you the trouble to fly to a consulate’s office in Chicago and a day’s worth of time to drop the application off and another day's worth of time to pick the visa up. What a HUGE saving it is! Request a visa here.
Please follow these instructions:
Note: Beginning March 2023, an applicant must first fill out an online application and obtain an application ID. Then if you choose to submit it yourself in Chicago, you will need to make an online appointment with the Chinese Consulate for submission date. Or you may choose to let us help you, the cost is $330 per person inclusive of everything from there on.
Q: When should I apply for a visa? A: The best time to apply would be 1.5 to 2 months prior to your departure date. The visa process normally takes 2-3 weeks.
Hot Deals Recommended China Packages Asia
We offer comprehensive and affordable travel insurance to protect your domestic and international travel needs.
We also provide travel insurance, airfares, hotels and city packages, day tours and activities, Yangtze River Cruises, services to adopting families with Chinese children, sister school visit, exchange student travel assistance and themed education tour for student group. To find out more about these services, go to Additional Services page.
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9037 Cambridge Road
Woodbury, MN 55125
United States
ph: 651-323-0101
fax: 651-714-9036